
Suspended Colleges in UK 2011

  • Aug, Thu, 2011

Suspended Colleges in UK 2011

Suspended Colleges in UK 2011

Due to the popular request of users of this blog and unavailability of full list of suspended colleges in London or UK”, I felt I should clarify the matter for our regular readers/visitors,

UKBA does not publish details of colleges whose Tier 4 sponsor license has been revoked or suspended. There is no site which updates list of all the names of suspended colleges in UK daily,

Now let us see how to find out the current list of suspended colleges in UK, by our self

The list of Register of Sponsors (Tier 4 General & Child) or Popularly known as Tier 4 List of Sponsor Colleges is regularly updated by the UKBA, You can access current list here1, compare the current list with the list provided here2, for any selected college you can see its current status by comparing these two lists

If the selected college is not in both lists then its licence is either withdrawn or suspended (Hope this answers your popular query)

If you could locate your college, then it will be of one of this category: License Upgraded or License Downgraded, or no changes at all…. in which ever situation you need not worry much, even if your college is downgraded since downgrading is a temporary measure and mostly it is upgraded back again

Tip: Use ctrl+F short cut key to locate/search your college name in the pdf

Feel free to comment on any discrepancies or suggestions/comments on the dire consequences you faced due to the suspension of your colleges sponsor status

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